Networks Looks At... Employment

Networks Looks At… Employment

These episodes center on the topic of employment, specifically around Employment for ALL citizens… Philadelphia DBHIDS has committed themselves to the belief that ALL people should have the opportunity for employment. This is emphasized in its Employment First initiative. Below is a listing of various areas of focus in these episodes, although the list is not all-inclusive.

Personal Journeys

These episodes are interviews and conversations with folks about their personal journeys in employment, independence, choice, and more.  We challenge you to listen and perhaps gain some new perspectives and insights from those who have taken the time to share about the journeys they and / or their loved ones are on in achieving their dreams and the importance of work to all citizens..

A Day In the Life

These episodes focus on interviews and conversations with professionals in the human service field who are committed to supporting those they work with in realizing their employment dreams, and all that employment offers for people.

Best Practices

As we grow and learn, we discover new and exciting ways to help people realize their employment goals. We also learn better ways to support and teach people the skills needed for successful employment, and how to assist them in becoming as independent in their job tasks as possible. Best Practices episodes focus on these learnings.

and more…

Course Curriculum

Start Next Lesson Personal Journeys - Interview with Nancy Jo