
SE101 M1L1: Getting Started – Welcome to SE 101!


START - Image of a person's thumb about to press a button labelled "1st Lesson Start"Overview:

Welcome to Module 1, Lesson 1 of Networks For Training and Development inc. Supported Employment 101 (SE101) course.

Networks has been promoting inclusive communities through quality training, consultation, and practice for the past 30 years. We have been offering some format of this course since the 1990s. Since 2015 this course has been accredited to award ACRE certificates. 

This course is set up to allow you to progress at your own pace. At the end of each module you will be asked to confirm that you have completed all components of a module. You will not be able to proceed to the next module until an instructor confirms completion / grades all assignments for that module. In most cases this review is done within 24 – 48 hours, if not sooner. Contact Joe Murphy  (267-251-6168) if you need assistance. 


Each module is made up of lessons which guide you through the basic principles for that subject area. These are typically in the form of short video presentations (10 – 30 minutes in length) They may include links to podcasts, videos, or other content that you will be expected to view / listen to. Each lesson must be completed in order to progress to the next.


During lessons, you will be provided with tools to assist a person in successfully working. You will be required to use these tools with someone you support, demonstrating your mastery of this skill. Fieldwork assignments will appear as separate lessons in the module.


Each participant will be required to attend three mentoring sessions. Office hours will occur every Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EST.  During these hours, participants can drop in and discuss any aspect of the course. Office hours will be closed from 12/24/23 through 1/1/24. Participants must choose at least three times, one one time at the end of Module Two, the second after Module Three, and the third after Module Five. More meetings may be required if deemed necessary to assist you in completing the course. You may request additional meetings as well. Networks instructors will utilize these meetings to gauge whether students have met the requirements for the skill-based competencies covered, and advise the student on how to meet these if necessary.  There will be a discussion of various tools during the class. Participants can attend any office hours offered by Networks.  Office hours can be accessed through: https://networksfortraining.zoom.us/j/88434436640


Knowledge checks of the materials presented will be required throughout the course. These need to be completed before proceeding to the next section.  Students can review the materials presented if needed to answer any questions.


Although this offering of SE101 is virtual, it is our expectation that all participants will actively engage with their instructors and fellow classmates.  Typically, attendees will have various questions, thoughts, interests, curiosities, and concerns regarding employment support.  We encourage you to reflect upon your experiences, generate conversation regarding currently assigned readings or course material, and respond to others’ contributions via the provided discussion board. We also encourage you to explore and share any other information pertinent to this course.  

If you have a specific question or concern and would like to meet with the instructors individually during the course, please feel free to reach out to us and make arrangements to talk. We are available to meet your individual needs as well. 


All course attendees must complete the Discovery and Career Exploration Profile document with one individual they support or connect with periodically throughout the course.  This comprehensive document provides detailed information about a person’s interests, strengths, experiences, and supports.   Once this is completed, you will be asked to report your findings from the profile document to the instructors.


The first assignment is to post to the discussion board. Afterwards you will be asked to confirm that you did so before proceeding to the next lesson.


Post 1 – Introduce yourself to others taking this course.

  • Where are you from? What is your role?

(Proceed to the Discussion Forum)