SE101 Module 3 – Job development
In Module 3, we will take a look at job development focusing on three different clients: the job seeker, the business, and the funder. Through each section, we will look at various methods of job development such as job carving, job customization, and self-employment while also looking at the tools you have available to you to assist through these processes. We will dive into looking at tools you can use such as job analysis, environmental interviews, job shadows, informational interviews, and many more. We will practice networking and building relationships with each client in order to get to a career, not just a job!
NOTE: You will have assignments to complete at various points of this module. We are not asking you to upload them to the end of the module. HOWEVER, it is recommended that you complete the assignments in the order given to facilitate your ability to participate in the Discussion Forums. Submission of the assignments will be required before progressing to the next module.
Assignments for Module 3:
Lesson 1 – Create your own personal Career Ladder (submission of the career ladder is not required, but completion will be necessary to answer discussion forum posts.)
Lesson 2d
- Choose two (2) videos from, and post to the Discussion Forum how you might use these in job development.
- Complete and upload an Environmental Inventory for someone you support.
- Complete a Situational Assessment (submission of this is not required due to acknowledging the need to schedule these).
Lesson 3a – Practice and upload your elevator pitch (You can submit this via audio or video recording).
Lesson 3b
- Complete and submit an Informational Interview.
- Complete and submit a Job Analysis form.
Discussion Forum Posts for Module 3:
Post 9 – After listening to Mike Rowe, what is your passion? Did your passion influence your career choice or did your career become your passion.
Post 10 – Discuss the ways you saw people’s attitudes impact their expectations / belief in the roles James’ could /did play in the organizations. What changes did you see in those expectations?
Post 11 – What did you learn about yourself from your career ladder? Were there similiarities between the people you support and yourself? Differences?
Post 12 – Have you created visual resumes? Do you believe they’re useful?
Post 13 – Share your thoughts on self-employment.
Post 14 – Discuss how you can use the CareerOneStop videos in discovery and job development efforts
Post 15 – Have you done a job analysis before? Share your experiences doing a job analysis.
Post 16 – Share your experience completing the Information Interview.
Post 17 – Share your thoughts on using the various Customized Employment strategies you have learned about.
Post 18- How would you redirect an employer if they aren’t interacting with the individual?
- Talking to you directly instead of the job seeker
- They ask you questions that are offensive to the individual (Do they know how to…?
- They seem uncomfortable with how to interact with the individual or ask questions in the interview
- They seem dismissive of the individual before interviewing them