SE101 Module 4 – Teaching and Support
In Module 4 we will take an in-depth look at the supports needed to be successful when onboarding. From Relationships to work culture and many steps in between. To be successful we need to examine all of them. Once we look at the support, we need to examine how we plan on teaching the job. You will be asked to write a task analysis of jobs. then put in place the prompts that allow us to systematically fade our support.
Module 4 Assignments:
Lesson 3
- Part I – Write and submit Task Analysis for a task you do daily (example tie a shoe, tie a tie, Making a meal, or any other task you do on a daily basis
- Part II – Write and submit Task Analysis for a job a person you support has.
Lesson 4
- Work on Final project
Module 4 Discussion Board Assignments:
Post 19 – What supports that we talked about are most important for you in your work? (Lesson 1)
Post 20 – What are your thoughts on the “Try Another Way” video? (Lesson 2)
Post 21 – What are your thoughts on someone who can only do part of a job (partial participation)? (Lesson 4)