Stories of Young People's Journeys to Employment with Tracy Lapreziosa Length: 1 hr. 30 min. Description: We invite you to listen to the stories of young adults transitioning to the world of employment with support of employment transition programs, employers and accommodations. This session shares a framework...
Barry Whaley - Project Director of the Southeast ADA Center Description: In celebration of the 31st anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), this presentation explores key moments and personalities of the disability rights movement over the past one hundred years. Participants will learn about our...
Interview with Chandler Balch with Tracy Lapreziosa Length: 14:23 Join us for the Blazing Trails with Assistive Technology series. This series is a collection of interviews with people who have figured out the Assistive Technology they need to aid them in reaching their dreams, from flexible scheduling options, to...
Interview with Dane Sota with Tracy Lapreziosa Length: 16:58 Join us for the Blazing Trails with Assistive Technology series. This series is a collection of interviews with people who have figured out the Assistive Technology they need to aid them in reaching their dreams, from flexible scheduling options, to...