Assistive Technology & Accommodations

Interview with Andrew Vizuete Length: 15:00 Join us for the Blazing Trails with Assistive Technology series. This series is a collection of interviews with people who have figured out the Assistive Technology they need to aid them in reaching their dreams, from flexible scheduling options, to transportation, and...

Brainstorming for Creative Solutions Sometimes thinking differently is necessary. Most times because "we" become so immersed in supporting someone every day details are missed. Is there a person in your life that you support personally or professionally that you may want assistance in thinking differently particularly surrounding support? The...

With Jessica Stover & Rosa McAllister Many times when we here about assistive technology, we think about accommodations, accessibility and similar topics. But technology can also support us throughout our wellness journey. Join us for a recorded webinar where we share together various forms of technology that can help us in our...

With Joe Murphy & Rosa McAllister We all want to know that we are truly being heard, and become frustrated when we are not. This is true of those we support as well. Join us for an honest conversation about the importance of being heard, and how we can strive to truly hear those around...