Interviews & Conversations

Just that – interviews and conversations where we invite others to share their insights, thoughts, and concerns surrounding supports and services that affect us all.

with Justice Shorter, National Disability Rights Networks (NDRN) This immersive session is designed to equip participants with equitable strategies for recruiting and retaining more Black, Indigenous & Other People Of Color with disabilities, focusing on issues at the intersection of Racial Justice, disability Justice and Gender...

with Kayla Concannon, CRASH Consulting LLC Hello!! I am Kayla Concannon (she/her/hers), a neurodivergent and bisexual occupational therapist, educator, researcher, entrepreneur, accessibility analyst, and human rights advocate near Philadelphia, PA. I am a white, bisexual, neurodivergent, vegetarian, petite, redhead, cisgender woman. I designed...

[s3mm type="video" s3bucket="n4ts3mm" s3region="us-east-1" files="SAM_Eyre-and-Ely_2020.mp4" titles="Review and Discussion - short film S.A.M." tracks="" lang="en-US" /] Review and Discussion of S.A.M. A film short, 2020 Neil Ely...