Justice’s – Equity – Diversity – Inclusion (JEDI)

Social justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) are recognized as important considerations not only in our organizations, but throughout our community life. Offerings in this category address these issues head-on in an effort to promote conversation, reflection, and most important of all – action – to address these concerns.

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with Jennifer Wiliiiams, JW Consultina This is a recording of a session that explored a restorative approach to empowered advocacy and healing, with focus on access and equality in the workforce. Becoming disabled due to violence compounds into a collection of barriers which lead to chronic unemployment and underemployment. Jennifer reviews...

with Kayla Concannon, CRASH Consulting LLC Hello!! I am Kayla Concannon (she/her/hers), a neurodivergent and bisexual occupational therapist, educator, researcher, entrepreneur, accessibility analyst, and human rights advocate near Philadelphia, PA. I am a white, bisexual, neurodivergent, vegetarian, petite, redhead, cisgender woman. I designed...

[s3mm type="video" s3bucket="n4ts3mm" s3region="us-east-1" files="SAM_Eyre-and-Ely_2020.mp4" titles="Review and Discussion - short film S.A.M." tracks="https://sandbox-app-three.networksfortraining.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/SAM_Eyre-and-Ely_2020.vtt" lang="en-US" /] Review and Discussion of S.A.M. A film short, 2020 Neil Ely...