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with Jennifer Wiliiiams, JW Consultina This is a recording of a session that explored a restorative approach to empowered advocacy and healing, with focus on access and equality in the workforce. Becoming disabled due to violence compounds into a collection of barriers which lead to chronic unemployment and underemployment. Jennifer reviews...
with Kayla Concannon, CRASH Consulting LLC Hello!! I am Kayla Concannon (she/her/hers), a neurodivergent and bisexual occupational therapist, educator, researcher, entrepreneur, accessibility analyst, and human rights advocate near Philadelphia, PA. I am a white, bisexual, neurodivergent, vegetarian, petite, redhead, cisgender woman. I designed...
[s3mm type="video" s3bucket="n4ts3mm" s3region="us-east-1" files="SAM_Eyre-and-Ely_2020.mp4" titles="Review and Discussion - short film S.A.M." tracks="https://sandbox-app-three.networksfortraining.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/SAM_Eyre-and-Ely_2020.vtt" lang="en-US" /] Review and Discussion of S.A.M. A film short, 2020 Neil Ely...