How Far Can a Needle Carry You?

Quilting for Social Change

with Betty Leacraft, Dindga McCannon, & Beth Mount
Curated by Tieshka Smith

Length: 2 hours (1 hour 30 minutes each part)

Join us as we hear inspiring stories and insightful reflections from Betty Leacraft, Dindga McCannon and Beth Mount – three master artists, who, like Hystercine Rankin, have risen from humble beginnings to enjoy national and international success and recognition for their work as quilt makers.

They will share moving and mesmerizing examples of quilts that they’ve created over the years that visually depict, center and amplify the stories, voices and lived experiences of marginalized individuals and communities, showing why the evolution of this medium continues to be necessary and important.

Course Curriculum

Start Next Lesson How Far Can a Needle Carry You - Part One - Quilting for Social Change