How to Tell Stories That Open Hearts and Change the World

Leah Lamb – Transformational Storyteller

Length: 1 hr. 45 min.

Storytelling opens our minds to possibilities. It is an art that can be incredibly transformative.  Storytelling is also very personal and full of meaning, inspiration and awe for both ourselves as well as our listeners.  Are you ready to go beyond using formats and templates in writing and sharing stories and learn how to reach the place where authenticity and magic reside within us all as we walk a storytelling journey?  Do you want to learn how to activate your create spark and engage and command the presence and listening of your audience?  Join this session and plan to not only look inward, but also leave with creative tools and techniques that will make a difference as you share stories.

Leah Lamb, MSW, experiences story as a tool for personal transformation and social change, and views the artform as a mystical expression of the connection between earth, people, and all life forms. Her storytelling lives in several mediums. She has authored short stories, documentaries, and award-winning PSA’s about the environment. Her articles about culture and the environment have been featured in Fast Company, Spirituality & Health Magazine, National Geographic News Watch, and Huffington Post. She produced and hosted The Green Channel on the Emmy-award-winning television network, Current TV.

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