Learning to Live & Give After Trauma - Part of the Living With Trauma series

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with Rosa McAllister & Jessica Stover

Length: 1 hr.

This session is the fourth of a four part Living With Trauma Summit held in 2019.

So many of us have experienced trauma of one sort or another, including emotional, childhood, physical, medical, and other traumas of the body, mind, and soul. Yet how many of us fully face and understand their effects on us, our lives, and those we love and who love us? Join our 4-part conversation, a discussion among long-time friends who have all faced various life traumas and have focused much of their careers in helping others learn how to understand, face, embrace, and find ways to live fully with who they are. This Summit is perfect for everyone wanting to better understand themselves, as well as those in a supportive and care-giving role with others who have experienced trauma.

In Part Four we explore many traditional and non-traditional therapies and tools many have found helpful in living more fully in their skin, despite or because of their traumas.

This is the final offering in our Living With Trauma Summit. We invite you to explore all of the sessions / resources in our Living With Trauma Series, and take advantage of all we have to offer.

Course Curriculum

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