LESSON 3 Disability Etiquette (Spring 23)
The way we interact with someone when we are assisting them in finding a job can impact their success with job-seeking and once they are on-the-job. In this section, Michelle Sparling of Networks is joined by self-advocate Suzanne Erb. Through a podcast, Michelle and Suzanne discuss the topic of disability etiquette. What is it? Why is this important and more? This podcast is part of Networks’ podcast channel, “Networks Looks At…” Check out other episodes at…….
S01 E02: Networks Looks At… Disability Etiquette
From Networks’ Supported Employment 101 ACRE Certificate Course
Recording Date: February 1, 2022
Transcript: Download Transcript here
Keywords: Suzanne Erb, Michele Sparling, Disability Etiquette, etiquette, success on the job, respect, rules of etiquette, social cues, inclusive culture, inclusive workspaces, customer relationships
Summary: Michelle Sparling interviews Suzanne Erb about Disability Etiquette, its importance, and how it can impact success on the job. This offering is provided through the Supported Employment 101 ACRE Certificate Course. Note that these are practical guidelines. Whenever in doubt, it is advisable to respectfully ask someone how they would prefer that you handle a situation.
Topical Index:
Introduction [00:00]
Importance of disability etiquette [01:00]
Disability Etiquette for those with intellectual disabilities [02:43]
Disability Etiquette for those with mental health challenges [04:32]
Disability Etiquette for people with communication differences [05:56]
Disability Etiquette for people with physical disabilities [07:32]
General guidance – respect [09:10]
Disability Etiquette for those who are deaf or hard of hearing [[09:32]
Disability Etiquette for someone who is blind or has low vision [12:20]
Disability Etiquette regarding service animals [[15:19]
Closing [16:34]