LESSON 2 – ABC’s of Learning Objectives
How do you decide what to teach? Are you using a specific strategy for determining
your content in ways that will connect with your learners? In Lesson 2, we will discuss how to
write effective objectives that will help to guide you through your material development, but
also meet the various learning styles of your learners.
PowerPoint for ABCs of Adult Learning – PDF WORD
Reading: 📚
Consider: 💭
When thinking about / planning for your training, what objectives will best meet your desired learning outcomes? Consider the following:
- Information you want your learners to leave with
- Learning Styles
- Venue – Setup and Environment
- Accessibility Concerns
- Atmosphere you wish to create
Use this information to complete Part II of your Final Training Project.
Additional Resources: ➕
- Developing Learning Objectives – Examples of Affective, Cognitive and Psychomotor Objectives (or Behavioral Objectives)
- Bloom’s Taxonomy: Affective Domain
- Guidance for Writing Behavioral Objectives
- Bloom’s Taxonomy: Cognitive Domain
- Bloom’s Taxonomy Learning Theories – For Those Wanting to Dig in Deeper