SE101 Module 5 – Accommodations on the Job
In the Accommodations on the Job module, you will be introduced to Accommodations, Assistive Technology, and Universal Design concepts, and how these can be beneficial to both the employee and the employer. We will explore the various levels of accommodations including No-Tech, Low-Tech, and Hi-Tech. Also included is an overview of the use of mental health accommodations, and the opportunity to self-reflect on personal accommodations.
The module consists of a series of readings, podcasts, webinars, and video interviews. You will be asked to engage in self-reflection of your own personal use of accommodations, assistive technology, and universal design in employment through assignments, knowledge checks, and discussion forum posts.
This module introduces several tools and resources for your use, including a checklist for addressing mental health in the workplace related to personal employment, the “4 A’s” employers can use to ensure a healthy workplace and an introduction to the components of the HAAT model as a way of exploring the use of Accommodations and AT on the Job. Also provided are resources for where to begin searching for items, and assistance with funding and problem-solving needs.
Lesson 4 – Mental Health Accommodations on the Job
- Review the EARN Checklist for Creating Mentally Healthy Workplaces
- How does your employer address the 4 A’s?
- What accommodations do you use to maintain your mental health at work?
Lesson 6 – The HAAT Model
- WATCH the Video Interviews of Chandler Balch and Dana Soto.
- Pick one of these scenarios, and following the HAAT model, answering the following and submit your work at the end of the module:
- (Human) – What are two things you learned about the person during this
interview - (Activity) – What was one of their job tasks?
- (Assistive Technology) – What supports, accommodations or AT did they use to be
successful? - (Context) – What type of work environment did the job take place in?
- (Human) – What are two things you learned about the person during this
Lesson 8 – Where and How to Get Assistive Technology
- Review the article AT: Where and How to Get Assistive Technology
- Name 2 possible funding sources
- Name 2 paces where you can find Low-Tech, Off-the-Shelf items.
Discussion Forum Posts:
Post 21 – What accommodations and Assistive technology do you use? Think about your job(s).
- Part 1 – List 5 accommodations that your employer provides (remember they can be as simple as the tools you need to do your job).
- Part 2 – List 8 types of AT that you use in your job (whether provided by your employer or not). Remember to include low tech options such as pencil grips, and more.
Post 22 – Identifying reasonable and unreasonable accommodations
- Part 1 – Name one accommodation that would be considered reasonable and why.
- Part 2 – Name another that would be considered unreasonable and why.
Post 23 – Discuss two pieces of AT that Andrew uses, why he uses them, and whether they are considered low or high tech.