Pre-Course Survey
Welcome to Supported Employment 101
Below is a brief overview of the course. We recommend you carefully review this information to get the most out of your participation in the course. All modules and lessons are offered through Network’s Online University. For more information about how to use Online University, a link to a tutorial video can be found here.. This and all ACRE courses meet the minimum requirement of 40 instructional hours. Certification standards require 40 hours of instruction, providing you with both knowledge-based and skill-based competencies. We accomplish this through lessons, field assignments, two mentoring sessions, knowledge checks, discussion board posts, and a final project, a Discovery (a Career Exploration Profile Document). We will take a closer look at each of these areas next.
You can download the SYLLABUS here. Syllabus – PDF Version You must complete this survey before proceeding. Module 1 opens on March 6, 2023.