Lesson 2 – Learning Styles


Overview:young black girl seated, listening to a lesson on her tablet while reading the screen

Most people recognize that we each rely on different styles and techniques when learning. These “learning styles” group common ways people learn.

Most people use a mix of learning styles. There is no right or wrong mix – nor are our learning styles fixed. We may shift the learning styles we use based on what we are doing, or develop new strategies over time. Research shows us that each learning style uses different parts of the brain. By involving more of the brain during learning, we remember more of what we learn.

Your learning styles have more influence than you may realize. Your preferred styles guide the way you learn. They also change the way you internally represent experiences, the way you recall information, and even the words you choose.

This module encourages you as a trainer to become more familiar with the various learning styles, and how they may benefit you in your training.


  1. You will become more familiar with the various learning styles, and how they can blend together.
  2. You will gain an understanding of your own preferences when learning, as well as the importance of understanding your learners’ preferred styles.
  3. You will explore teaching strategies that will aid you in developing content focused on your learners’ various learning styles

READ:   📚

Read the article below. You will need this information for the completion of your assignments in this module.

Learning Style Resource Packet


Select one of the Learning Style Inventories shared in the article, and complete it for yourself. The links to the individual assessments are below if you wish to download them individually and print them out.



Based on the assignment, what type of learner are you? Any surprises? How might this information be important to you as a trainer in understanding your learners?


Post #3: How can teaching styles impact learning?

Think of your least and most preferred learning experiences.  Consider the impact the teachers had on that experience.  Did the instructors’ teaching style take into consideration your learning styles?  What are the benefits of having an instructor who presents materials / concepts in a manner in which you prefer to learn.

Discuss: How do you go about learning when you don’t feel comfortable with a teacher’s particular teaching style? What changes can you make in your teaching to better accommodate the various preferred learning styles of your students? (PROCEED TO DISCUSSION FORUM)